The Comprehensive wound care management plan is designed to treat patients with all types of ulcers and wounds in any part of the body. Our skilled staff has expertise to manage chronic non healing wounds also. Extensively trained staff in advanced wound care techniques are here to help you with your wound care plan. The state of the art equipment and our knowledgeable ,skilled staff makes us pioneers in wound care management.
Dr Khan’s expertise in both primary care and wound care helps him to treat the whole person, not just the wound .Being a primary care physician and wound care physician ,Dr Khan is able to achieve the best possible outcomes for his patients. This distinguished quality of Dr Khan’s practice makes him achieve outstanding results for his patients .Besides offering wound care ,Dr Khan takes perfect care of the comorbid conditions and underlying causative disease mechanisms responsible for wounds. His multi-discipline expertise helps him to achieve remarkable results for persistent wounds, chronic wounds.
Dr. Reza Mobarak also completed an intense residency in the area of limb salvage. When it comes to wound care and ulcer treatments, Dr. Mobarak has the knowledge and experience to successfully treat your condition. As a result, patients from all over Texas seek to be treated by Dr. Mobarak at the DFW Wound Care Center.
As an avid teacher and lecturer, Dr. Mobarak speaks at many national medical conferences on topics such as advanced wound care, diabetic limb salvage, and foot reconstruction. Many of his peers count on Dr. Mobarak to share the latest medical advances and state-of-the-art techniques in treating non-healing wounds and ulcers. He also writes in various medical journals on the art of limb salvage and wound care treatment.
It is his mission to take his knowledge globally. As a result, Dr. Mobarak travels to the Middle East to teach other doctors about limb salvage and train future wound care specialists. With the help of these doctors, he hopes to set up a limb salvage program to help prevent the needless loss of limbs for people in that region.